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Enneagram of Essence Monthly Virtual Group

Are you inspired by the Enneagram of Personalities? Do you know how important Essence is to the types, subtypes, and centers?

This group is a perfect place to begin your journey into the Essence of the Enneagram AND to deepen your practice with essence.

In this group, we explore the Enneagram Personalities as unconscious drives to return to essence. We see how the Essence of the Enneagram is fundamental to understanding and healing our personalities.

Learning is a critical component of this group - but my core intention is to offer something tangible, experiential, and transformational. We will explore how to emerge from suffering and return home to essence. Each group will center on finding the felt sense of essence and receiving it’s nourishing effects.


  • 10am-10:45am - Teaching on the essence of a type, subtype, or center - how it relates to sacred perception and experience, how it relates to personality fixation, and how it can be a nourishing healing practice for all.

  • 10:45am-11:30am - Q&A interactive discussion. Together we will dive deeper into this material and often co-discover something new.

  • 11:30am-Noon - Nourishing guided practice relating to the particular essence of the day (a type, subtype, or center). This is a beautiful moment to directly experience essence - we end the group with a somatic, embodied, visceral connection to essence.


  • Fee: $20 per group

  • Time: Last Sunday Each Month - 10am-Noon EST

  • Location: Zoom

  • RSVP through this system to receive the zoom link: