Second and Forth Sunday each month – $20 average donation
2 hour meeting from 10 to 12
Shadow Work: finding aspects of ourselves we don’t know we have
What might be in Shadow?
The Enneatype itself
The Essence we are imitating
Aspects of the Enneatype we believe we don’t have
A quality or behavior that we don’t know we have.
An aspect of others that we don’t like
An aspect of others we admire
People who see us that we don’t understand
Lissa Friedman will present teachings on finding the shadow and bringing it into the light, followed by opportunities for sharing and discussion. Join us on the 4th Sunday of every month to explore your shadows and discover how to heal these eclipsed aspects of self. We will end with embodying the energy of awakening.
What is awakening?
How does each pattern awaken?
Stages of awakening.
Embodying the energy of awakening.