
Level 1 Certification (Beginners)

Begin your Enneagram Awakening Journey and become a facilitator in the Embodiment Tradition.


NEXT PROGRAM BEGINS IN 2025. Stay tuned for updates here.

This program is recommended for healing professionals, educators, writers, directors, and facilitators looking to add this system to their professional modalities. Completing this program gives you 75 points towards becoming and Accredited Professional with the International Enneagram Association (IEA). 

It is also recommended for personal growth and psycho-spiritual awakening. The enneagram is a powerful tool for transforming painful patterns, becoming free from the contracted sense of self, and embodying the open and expanded qualities of our patterns.

Major Components of the Program

  • Transform Enneagram patterning and explore deeper truths

  • Learn to identify and demonstrate the energetics of the Enneagram including instincts and subtypes

  • Learning to integrate the Enneagram into professional practice


  • Each type and each retreat is $180 payable in monthly installments. So, $180/month for 11 months. 

  • This price includes 2 weekend intensives, which begin and end the program

  • $360 deposit required by the first weekend – applied to the last 2 months of the program.

  • Students are obligated to pay for every class. If a class is missed, the instructors schedule a private meeting to cover missed material, but payment is due at the date of the class. All classes will be recorded, but please note that the IEA awards points differently for live vs. recorded classes and prefers the former for accreditation.

  • There are sliding scale spots reserved for students who are unable to afford the full cost.


  • Differentiate types

  • Differentiate instincts and subtypes

  • Observe and differentiate non-verbal aspects (energetics) of types

  • Explore your own type biases 

  • Develop interviewing and/or presentation skills

  • Assess of your strengths and growth areas

  • Body awareness and centering practices

  • Learn Enneagram Embodiment techniques

Participant Goals

  • Understand the Enneagram deeply

  • Learn how to teach, facilitate, and/or provide consultation using the Enneagram effectively

  • Transform your Enneagram patterns - from strategies (beliefs, feelings, and behaviors) that are painful and limited to strategies that help you get our deepest needs met and make you available for real connection to others and yourself

  • Discover the liberated essence of the Types and the open awareness/consciousness beyond the Enneagram

Continuing Education Units

This program provides over 75 face to face Continuing Education Credits CEUs that can be applied to a variety of professional licenses through the North Carolina Board of Behavioral Sciences.

Points toward becoming an IEA Accredited Professional

The hours you attend in this program may be applied toward becoming an Accredited Professional with IEA. Each hour is worth 1 point toward professional accreditation - a complete certification = 75 points.


  • 18 3-hour classes on Saturdays or Sundays (twice a month)

  • 2 weekend intensives

Participants are encouraged to engage in a private on-going virtual discussion group created for each cohort

Cohorts are kept small. Our sweet spot is 8-10 people to provide an intense learning experience. Participants tend to bond closely and form connections that last beyond the program. The inter-cohort dynamics enhance both formal and informal learning components of the training.

We schedule all the meetings together in advance. When participants are unable to attend a class for extenuating circumstances, they are still obligated to pay for the class due at the date of the class and set up a private meeting with the instructors to cover missed material. All classes are recorded and shared with the cohort.

The first step is a weekend intensive to build a foundation of connection and trust so that we all move into the program receptive and ready to embrace the psycho-spiritual depth of this work. 

After the initial weekend intensive, each class (two per month) focuses on an Enneagram type. Types is described and demonstrated by through videos, recordings, and panels. Program participants are strongly encouraged to invite friends and family to sit on panels. Panel volunteers are interviewed with respect and compassion to make their experience as comfortable as possible.

Classes include watching and processing videos and panels, discussion reactions from our own fixations, leaning how to embody the pattern, and working to release and transform the pattern to return to essence.

The last step is a weekend intensive, which provides the final supportive structure needed to move out into the world as an enneagram teacher, facilitator, and consultant in the Embodiment Tradition.


Participants learn how to facilitate using the Enneagram including how to describe and demonstrate the types, instincts and subtypes, movement, and pattern transformation. Participants will learn how to describe and differentiate the hierarchy of instincts, wings, movement and a second stage of pattern release.

Participants learn how to share with others the idea that we are born with a pattern – a way of seeing, understanding, and responding that is not personal, unique or individual. They learn how to share how to use the Enneagram as a tool for liberation and freedom. They learn that recognizing and accepting these patterns is the first step in a much bigger journey to liberation.

Participants learn how to introduce others to the Enneagram in a way that represents its psycho-spiritual power and original purpose. If this is done well and the teaching resonates, people often go on to delve deeper into their healing process. If it is not done well, people may find the information interesting but not understand its deep importance and power. When the Enneagram teaching is clear and deep it is a path to freedom from a contracted heart, mind, and body.

Facilitating the Enneagram can be dynamic and demonstrative. The energetic expression of each pattern can be acted out so that participants can see and feel the difference between each pattern. When the Enneagram is taught only descriptively it can be confusing because we all share so many behaviors, tendencies, and emotions. When the energetic dynamic is embodied and acted out, people get a somatic feel for what is deeper than the personality or behavior. The underlying motivations influencing each type are presented in body language, talking style, and general demeanor. A skilled teacher has processed and transcended enough of their own Enneagram pattern to cleanly embody each of the other patterns.

Find more information about this year’s cohort and sign up here.

Level 2 Certification (Advanced)


This program is led by Lissa and for people who have completed one of our Level-1 training program.

  • The program is 12 months.

  • The cost is $150 per meeting/month $1800 total, with a 10% discount if paid in full before the program begins.

  • Payment is due each month even if you miss. If you miss a meeting, you will receive a recording. You can miss 2 meetings and still complete the training.

  • If you attended the last level 2 and would like to repeat it is half price.

  • The first steps are to let us know if you are interested, sign up for the free zoom orientation meeting on Sunday April 25th at 10.

  • If you are interested, pay deposit of $150.

  • At this meeting we will decide if we will meet in person or on Zoom, if we have enough people for both we can do one in-person and one on zoom


The topics are divided into 3 month phases: Energetics, Shadow Work, Essence

– and Typing see below.

Energetics will cover:

  • the energy of each type when it is acting out fixated strategies of survival,

  • the energy of each type when it is acting out the sacred purpose of its essential nature

Shadow Work will cover:

  • connecting with the deepest shadow which is our true nature.

  • the essence of our patterns that we are unconsciously imitating,

  • the unconscious survival aspects of our patterns,

  • the aspects in other people that give us a "charge" - the stuff that irritates us and that we wish we had,

  • the aspects other people see in us that we don’t see or understand

Essence taught by Tammy will cover:

  • the profound relationship between the types and essence

  • how to emerge from the personality of seeking/suffering and return to the sacred nourishment of essence

  • how to embody the essence of all the Enneagram types and begin a path of holistic embodiment


  • Learn how to use the embodiment of the types, subtypes and centers to recognize enneatype

Contact us for more information and registration:

Essence Certification (Specialist)


12-month Essence program

Facilitated by Tammy, this is a sacred journey into the Essence of the Enneagram.

Completing this program provides Level 1 Certification in the Enneagram School of Awakening’s Embodiment Tradition AND 72 points towards becoming an Accredited Professional with the International Enneagram Association IEA. 

Primary Purpose of the Program

  • Learn how to deeply perceive the essence of the Enneagram (types, centers, instincts) in yourself and others

  • Learn how to embody and experience the patterns of the personality types/fixations

  • Grow deep empathy and wisdom for the fixated behaviors of the types - these “negative” behaviors are always innocently seeking essence

  • Receive deep somatic nourishment and healing from the sacred essence of the types - to connect with each essence, we will use embodiment practices and sensory techniques such as herbal teas, sound baths, guided meditations, yoga postures, and Qigong movements.

Tammy’s Co-Creative Style

Tammy brings rich experience and wisdom in psychospirituality and the Enneagram of Essence. To her, spirituality is deeply personal, all inclusive, and always evolving. She loves to share the insights and practices that work for her, while honoring that this material is also a co-creation. She creates a beautiful inspiring space to explore and deepen this work together.


  • $150/month (10% discount for paying in full) 

  • $300 deposit - applied to first and last months

  • Participants agree to pay for every class, even if a class is missed


  • 12 monthly 4-hour meetings on Saturdays or Sundays

  • 12 monthly 2-hour virtual zoom meetings in-between in person meetings

  • Each monthly session focuses on a center (head, heart, gut) or type 

  • We explore each center and type through embodied teachings, somatic practices, and small panels (2-3 guests) carefully selected by Tammy

Other Offerings of the Program

  • Learn how to discern and experience the nuances of Enneagram personality types and their essence including the subtypes, wings, and movement

  • Learn how to facilitate using embodiment techniques - dynamic demonstrations of each type (expressions, body language, talking style, demeanor)

  • Learn how to receive and share the nourishing experience of essence

  • Learn a deeper perspective on the Enneagram than is conventionally taught-

The Personality types are unconscious drives to return to essence. The Enneagram of Essence is fundamental to our healing and fundamental to our suffering. The Enneagram of Personality shows us that our personalities are full of dissatisfaction and the Enneagram of Essence shows us why - our personalities are shaped entirely by our unfulfilled seeking for essence. 

This program provides all the basics of the Enneagram of Personality, while demonstrating that essence is the container and core of the personality types. Tammy will guide this group through the embodiment of the personality types and into the healing potential of the Enneagram - the nourishing essence of who we are.

Contact Tammy for more info and to register:

*If you are not a mama but very interested, please reach out. I will be offering more of these programs <3

Individual Sessions


Asheville and Online

We are coaches and licensed psychotherapists

Session times and fees vary by facilitator


This is an individual session to help you discover your type. We explore your expressions, responses, subjective, and objective energetics.

We use our Embodiment technique to help you feel the differences between the patterns. We discuss the underlying motivations influencing each type. We show you each type by embodying and acting out the body language, talking style, and general demeanor. This interaction is very conducive for discerning the nuances of the Enneagram and discovering your type.

We help you recognize and accept there is a pattern and you are more than the pattern. Most people are able to figure out their type in 1 session, but it can take a few meetings to be sure.

As with all our face-to-face services, we provide a free code to access our online course before scheduling an individual session.


This individual session is for those who are familiar with their type and interested in delving deeper.

We begin by making sure you understand your type beyond the basics - hierarchy of subtypes, wings, and movement. Then we work with the energy of your pattern and help you understand how to release the contracted and fixated qualities of the pattern. The focus becomes awakening from the dream of enneatype fixation.

Most people schedule more than one of these sessions for on-going therapy and/or coaching over a period of time. We are competent to care for anything that may arise as a result of this deeper work.


This individual session is for those who know their type and want to experience essence.

We begin by making sure you understand your type beyond the basics. Then we work with orienting toward essence. We use the conditioned ways that you experience essence (through objects and memories) to begin to “taste” essence. Eventually you will be able to directly access the sacred qualities of your essence without using conditioning. After this point we will guide you in beginning to integrate and embody these qualities. The focus becomes living with and as the essence of your being rather than fixation.

Most people schedule more than one of these sessions for on-going therapy and/or coaching over a period of time. We are competent to care for anything that may arise as a result of this deeper work.


This is a session for 2 people in any form of relationship - romantic, friends, family members, roommates, co-workers, etc.

We help you understand each others' type - inner dynamics, underlying motivations - and how your patterns interact. We explore the ways each person's personal and world views may influence each other in difficult ways. We explore how you can help the other become more balanced.

The goal is to develop deep compassion for each other. This session can help mediate conflict or to deepen an intimate connection. Some have the intention of helping each other become free of fixation.

As with all our face-to-face services, we provide a free code to access our online course before scheduling an individual session.


This is a session for more than 2 people in any form of group or family.

We help you all understand each others' type - inner dynamics, underlying motivations, and how your patterns interact. We explore the ways each person's personal and world views may influence the group in difficult ways. We explore how you can help the group become a more balanced and higher functioning team.

The goal is to develop deep compassion for each other. This session can help mediate conflict or to deepen an intimate connection. Some have the intention of helping each other become free of fixation.

As with all our face-to-face services, we provide a free code to access our online course before scheduling an individual session.